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The Mysterious Life and Death of a Millennial

Book main info

Date Published


Word count

Format available

Paperback/Hardback page count




Age range


July 7, 2024


About 75,000 words

Ebook and Paperback

About 220 pages

979-8858991977 (Paperback)

979-8859897278 (Hardback)




May vary depending regions

Book summary

Tired of the same old dribble of romance novels clogging up your bookshelf? Feeling tired after having read Twilight? Need some action? Allow me to prescribe a remedy. My name is Elizabeth Pudeator, and I'm not your average 18-year-old psychology student in Montpellier, southern France. You see, I'm a vampire, but not the sparkly, glamorous sort. I've got the fangs, the thirst, but none of the time-freezing perks. Mortal vampirism, they call it. Dreadfully inconvenient at times.


Let's talk about Adrian, shall we? He's my age, dazzlingly handsome, and has completely stolen my somewhat frigid heart. Falling for him was as unexpected as a vampire sunbathing. You'd think it's all love letters and candlelit dinners, but when you're hiding a dark secret like mine, dating becomes, well, a bit more complicated.


Our tale winds through the enchanting streets of Montpellier, dancing in shadows and whispering sweet nothings under the cloak of night. We laugh, we love, and I desperately try to avoid garlic at dinner. The relationship is a delicate dance, one misstep away from exposing my secret. Adrian's smitten with me, but how do you tell a chap you're mad about that you're also a bit mad in the vampire sense?

Now, prepare yourself for "The Mysterious Death and Life of a Millennial." It's not your grandmother's love story. No, this is a tale marinated in dark humour, sprinkled with biting sarcasm, and served with a side of love that's as confusing as my dietary requirements. Can love truly blossom when one of you is hiding a secret as big as, say, vampirism? Time may tell, but time's rather a ticklish thing when you're stuck in my particular situation.


Our journey isn't just a romance; it's an exploration, a wild ride through the complexities of love when you're dealing with something as trivial as being a vampire. We'll face obstacles, make tough decisions, and question what it truly means to fall in love when you're not quite human. Grab your favourite cuppa, settle in, and prepare for a love story that transcends the ordinary. After all, when it comes to love, who wants ordinary? The Mysterious Death and Life of a Millennial is waiting to sweep you off your feet, one delicious bite at a time.

Where to purchase?

We are thrilled to invite you to our brand new store, where you can browse through a wide selection of both paperbacks and ebooks. Whether you prefer the feel of a physical book in your hands or the convenience of a copy, we've got you covered. If you're having trouble deciding which format to choose, keep in mind that ebooks won't take up any space on your bookshelf, but paperbacks make excellent doorstops. So come on in and explore our collection - we can't wait to see what you'll discover!


As drawn inside the book

Elizabeth and Adrian

Elizabeth and Adrian during the date

Elizabeth and Adrian

Dating night for Elizabeth and Adrian


The conversation with Adrian when Elizabeth waits for him


Adrian, Elizabeth's date

Adrian and Elizabeth

The couple, finally reunited

Their first date

Elizabeth and Adrian, an afternoon at home

Elizabeth and Adrian

Elizabeth and Adrian, during one afternoon in the city centre in Montpellier


Elizabeth, heading to meet Adrian (Chapter 2 - picture not featured in the book)

Elizabeth and Adrian

Chapter 12, Elizabeth and Adrian are waking up and an eventful day is looming


Julia, Elizabeth's nemesis, and Adrian's ex-girlfriend


Chapter 7, Elizabeth younger


Elizabeth, waiting for Adrian (Chapter 3) for a dinner)


Charlotte, Elizabeth's childhood friend


Claire, Charlotte's girlfriend


Date night for Elizabeth (Chapter 6)


Elizabeth wearing the dress (Chapter 2)


Elizabeth running (Chapter 12)

Elizabeth and Adrian

Chapter 13


What are we doing, my love? (Chapter 2)

Second cover illustration

Featuring Elizabeth and Adrian

Cover reveal
Book cover
Book template
Instagram campaign

Elizabeth, as she appears on her biography in this website

Chapter setlist

1. The Girl with Two First Names

2. The Science of Falling for the New Guy

3. A Night with a Vampire: Your Coffin, or Mine?

4. The Teeth of the Matter

5. Sunsets, Shadows, and Othe Romantic Cliches

6. Between Eternity and Disclosure: A Vampiric Confession

7. Falling in Love, One Memory at a Time

8. Fifty Shades of Clinical Vampirism

9. A Secret, a Spy, a Litre of Blood and a Spark of Jealousy

10. When Love is Stronger than Death

11. Becoming a Vampire for Dummies

12. When Death Becomes a Lifestyle Choice

13. The Cliffhanger Dilemma: To Bite, or Not To Bite?


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