Written by
Taylor Victoria Holcroft
Date Created
Thursday 29 February 2024 at 21:40:54 UTC
Date Updated
Wednesday 20 March 2024 at 16:24:51 UTC
Late publication due to busy schedule! ;(
Hello guys!!! So that's an update on the release of The Mysterious Life and Death of a Millennial, which I wanted to initially publish by the end of April 2024. The book is ready, however as this book is to come after I finish recording my first batch of podcasts for release in the summer (and also because I'm taking holidays end of April) then the release of this book is unlikely to happen in April.
On top of that, as this book will be release both in English and in French (the very first one I make in French for a while - it will be called Devenir un vampire pour les debutants) so it's a bit of an increased workload for me. All this to say, it is more likely to be released during summer. I will try to release it as close as to when I release the episode on the Salem Witch Trials so you guys have also some funny story to read for summer. Or perhaps for June. I still don't know yet. For now the French version is more ready than the English, so most likely the French version will be released sooner than the English one. We'll see.
Either way guys, take care! and peace! ✌️ Taylor.